A thousand apologies to my loyal fans (Hello?...Hello?...*echo, echo*) for the extreme lapse in posting during what is quite possibly the most eventful year of my life to date. Since January, James and I have gotten pregnant (mainly me, but he helped), gone to Brazil (second time, but still eventful), bought a house, flooded it (mainly him, but that's all water under the bridge, or over the dam, or most accurately, all over our new house), survived the 2 1/2 month construction zone of the aftermath, packed up all of our belongings (at the apartment), unpacked (HA! about 1/3847th done there), had three baby showers, loved my job, hated my job (well, not the actual job part, just all the HR BS that comes with it), nested, mowed my own yard, raked my own yard, had Fun with Composting, been to a Blazers game and a Pearl Jam concert, been through the wringer with a chiropractor (both effective and less effective), fallen in love with our new ward, and had a baby.
Oh wait. No baby yet. She's "due" in 9 days. We're trying to convince her to make an early appearance. James tried luring her out with the promise of cake, but she's too smart. She knows that after she stops sharing my digestive nutrients, the next time she'll get refined sugar is probably at her first birthday. (Who am I kidding?? Nana's totally gonna spike her bottles with straight-up sugar the minute I'm not looking. Hear that, Gwen? Come out and Nana will give you sugar...)
At least now I have lots of free time to update my blog, right? Yeah, that's what I'll do.
No, seriously, I'm going to make a Concerted Effort to write at least a brief post on every topic listed above, and extensive posts on some topics. But not right now. I have to get ready to visit my orthodontist and hopefully get my braces taken off today.
I'll blog about it. I promise.
1 comment:
No baby yet!? Well, the first ones like to hang out longer anyways. Good luck with waiting out the last two weeks, maybe three. I've got half a dozen home remedies if you get desperate...
And compost? I'm envious. You skipped straight to the big leagues of home ownership, and left me in the dust. :)
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