Monday, May 4, 2009

Why I Haven't Written in a While

Hey y'all.  I have to apologize for the extended delay in writing.  You see, I had that baking frenzy about a month ago and then I was just plain worn out for several weeks.  It seemed like I was working ALL the time, which of course isn't the case, but sometimes the shift schedule stacks up on you to seem that way.  Of course, when you purposefully stack the schedule that way so you can get out of the country for eight days while only taking one day vacation, it can just plain be exhausting.

But that's what I did, and now I'm living it up in Cabo Frio, Rio de Janiero, relaxing on the beach and feasting on the fabulous food.  And sleeping.

Last time we came to Rio, back in September, I gave a day-by-day account of our adventures, almost in real time, with pictures.  This time, J erased the pictures off the camera after transferring them to his computer, so I'll have to post with pics after we get home.  I'm sure you're all just dying to hear me rub in all the details about my week in paradise.  But for now, I'm tired.

Until later, ciao, os meus amigos.

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