Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My favorite souvenir

So, since we stayed in Cabo Frio instead of Rio de Janiero proper, we had the hardest time finding good souvenirs for our trip (and I had the hardest time spelling "souvenir" just now - thanks, Spellcheck!).  Cabo Frio is a fabulous vacation spot, but it's geared more towards native Brazilians and other South Americans.  No one at our inn spoke English (including the owner) and we couldn't find any knick-knackery with a Brazilian flag on it to save our lives, but the beaches . . . oh, the beaches were wonderful!  More on those later, but I wanted to share pics of my favorite souvenirs from the trip:

"I'm Daddy's"

Flamengo Baby - the most popular futbol (soccer) team in Brazil

"I'm Mommy's"

So, for any of you who isn't on Facebook, doesn't work with me, hasn't heard through the grapevine, or I haven't called or e-mailed: yes, there is a bun, and it's a-bakin'!  These are the very first clothes we've gotten for the little one, and it was neat to see J get excited about the Flamengo stuff (of course, not as excited as I was about the green jumper!).

Anyway, we're due around Thanksgiving and I'll be keeping you all updated on my Crazy Pregnant Lady Adventures.

Oh, and I'll post more stuff about Brazil, too.  'Cause it was so darned awesome!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hoopla! Hoopla!
You two will be the coolest parents!
A little bite-sized Ritz....