Friday, March 20, 2009

In case I forget

So, to remind myself of what my little apartment is supposed to look like, here are some pictures:

I especially like the scriptures lying expectantly on the table.  Now, if I only sat here to eat more often...

They say you can tell a person's most treasured item because they place it in the corner furthest from the door.  As of this morning, I moved the TV and put Stanley, my cello, in that corner.  I tried putting The Boy there, but he won't stay put!

Proud artist - I made that trunk myself!  Just moved it into the position of coffee table this afternoon.

And now, for my next project:

So many books...

I'm actually not allowed to organize this one, but in the interest of being thorough, I threw it in.

This one, on the other hand, is all my mess.  I guess I'm not allowed to quilt until I clean it.  Or stack it somewhere else... No!  Must clean mess!

Just not today.

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